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  • Get your localization process off to a successful start 

    Making your website multilingual is easier said than done. 

    With various options and factors to consider, you may not know where to begin.

    But if your existing site has errors, lacks consistency or doesn’t speak to the right audience, your translated versions won’t convert. To make this important upgrade a success, you need to head in the right direction from the start. Here’s where a pre-localization website audit comes in.

    This initial check-up evaluates the source content and identifies issues before translation.

    We’ll look at:

    • Your copy and its general quality

    • How information is presented

    • The flow of the content

    • How your brand comes across to visitors

    Our team also offers recommendations for the next steps, so your whole localization process is as smooth as possible.

    With this entry point to develop your localization plan, your multilingual site will make a great first impression. Turn global visitors into customers and secure your business’ growth.

    Build a solid foundation for your localization strategy

    If you’re planning on translating your website and want to: 

    • Save time and money. Focus on which processes will work best for your multilingual content and make informed, cost-effective choices.
    • Avoid potential issues down the line. Correct errors before translation and keep your brand perception consistent.  
    • Feel confident making decisions. Our team will offer tips with your business and audience in mind.
    • Boost conversions and ROI. Increase customer engagement and sales with improved messaging.

    … then a pre-localization website audit is for you! 

    How does it work?

    Fill in your details in the form below. A member of our team will be in touch within 2 working days to learn more about your business. We’ll audit your chosen web pages and return a report within 7-business days with our findings. 


    Receive key findings and recommendations for the next steps! 

    Special offer

    Order our 8-page pre-localization audit – and get 2 more pages reviewed!

    What you’ll get: 10 web pages of your choice reviewed and a summary report for €495 (excl. taxes).

    What makes a great multilingual website? 

    Offering a complete website in your customer’s local language is a proven driver for success. The most high-performing sites take their translations further for a more targeted approach – with localization. We have a handy e-book all about it, but to sum up: localization involves culture-informed adaptation. It presents your brand and content in a way that feels familiar and resonates with the foreign market. 

    A successful multilingual website strategy considers what defines your products and services. It fine-tunes the messaging down to the last detail to deliver a perfect fit for what people in another culture need. 

    Understanding the target culture is vital to get potential customers on board, as that’s what truly informs how people interact with your brand. Cultures can even differ in a single country. By examining each group’s behaviours, needs and motivations and using them to inform your messaging, you’ll offer frictionless communication wherever your business goes to market. 

    A thorough language strategy will help you choose the correct language(s) and improve your brand perception. Connecting with your new audience and proving that you’re the one to trust leads to significant growth in visitors and prospects at every stage of the buyer’s journey. 

    Building a multilingual website is critical to be where your customers are. Making the right choices may seem overwhelming, but it’s well worth the effort. Attached has taken hundreds of brands to the next level. We’ll analyze your existing website and zero in on the best ways to speak to your markets in any language. 

    Next, we’ll cover some of the benefits of localizing your site. 

    Is your website localization ready?
    Audit my web pages.

    Frequently Asked Questions



    Does my website need a pre-localization audit? 

    In short, yes. A pre-localization audit lets you know where your website stands and if it is ready for translation and localization. It can uncover essential improvements and prevent costly mistakes.

    How long does it take? 

    Once we receive your request, we will get in touch within 2 business days for an audit briefing. After this, we’ll start the audit, which will be sent to you within 7 days.

    What does the briefing involve?

    After completing the order form, we’ll send a list of questions within 2 working days. We want to know more about your brand and what you want to achieve with your website. We’ll also ask about your target audience. 

    Do you need special access to my website?

    No, we won’t need special permissions to view your pages. We’ll browse your site as if we’re your target audience.

    What will my report look like? 

    You’ll get a concise report with our overall feedback. This will contain our assessment of the style, flow of content, perception, etc., plus a summary of suggested improvements. Our findings will include screenshots of any issues found and how to resolve them. 

    Will you correct the errors highlighted in the report? 

    No, the audit is for informational purposes only. We can implement any changes and improvements in the next phase after the audit results.  

    I already have a (draft) translation. Could you check those pages too?  

    Yes, we offer an 8-page multilingual website audit for €345 (excl. taxes) per additional language (the first is €495). If you’re looking for a full review or proofreading, speak to a member of our team

    Fill in the form below to claim your offer

    The key check-up to eliminate errors, spot opportunities and make better decisions for your multilingual site. Claim your offer and get 2 extra web pages reviewed.